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Friday, August 1, 2014

All about Ebola Virus that every Nigerian should know

As we are writing this, around 1323 people have been affected with the Ebola Virus in West Africa in 2014. Out of this, 730 have been declared dead. These are the scary statistics provided by World Health Organization as on 31 July 2014. 

What is Ebola Virus?

Ebola Virus was first discovered in Democratic Republic of Congo. The genesis of the name Ebola comes from the Ebola River in Democratic Republic of Congo. Ebola Virus causes Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) which is not curable. The virus causes hemorrhagic fever which leads to death. 

What are the Symptions of Ebola Virus?

When a person is affected by Ebola virus, the following symptoms occur:
  1. Fever
  2. Intense Weakness
  3. Muscle Pain
  4. Headache
  5. Sore throat followed by vomiting
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Rash
  8. Impaired Kidney and liver function 
  9. Internal and external bleeding

Who gets Ebola? Who are at the highest risk?

Ebola virus can spread to anyone. Transmission usually happens through direct contact with blood or bodily fluids from an infected person or by contacting a contaminated medical equipment like needles and syringes.   
People who are at highest risk during an outbreak are:
  1. Health care workers
  2. Family members or anyone close with the infected people
  3. Mourners in direct contact with infected bodies during burial ceremonies 
  4. Hunters who come in contact with infected animals

Can Ebola Virus Disease be cured?

Ebola is not curable. There is no known treatment so far. However, doctors are suggesting that early treatment can reduce the impact. The treatment can be focused on replenishing fluids, maintaining proper blood pressure, replacing lost blood and treating related infections.  

Why should Microfinance in Nigeria be worried about Ebola?

Every microfinance bank in Nigeria should focus on protecting their clients. It might be quite useful to pass the message through notice board in the bank or posters at client places. Most of the Microfinance clients are vulnerable to this as they are in the market places and interact with many number of people. If you notice any such cases, please use this website as a platform to report the case and we can collectively work towards a reasonable solution. 

Spread this message to stop Ebola from spreading. 

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4 comments: on "All about Ebola Virus that every Nigerian should know"

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, i want to share my testimony on how Dr.OGADIMA spiritual home help me overcome the virus called EBOLA that almost kill me. someone introduce me to Dr ogadima name called [sam]who i came across online that was also having the same problem. when he told me alot about this man i immediately contacted him and i explain everything to him and he told me every thing is going to be fine, i believe him because of sam and he helped me out suddenly the purse in my body dried off, i was so surprise after everything he gave me some cream which i use to rub my body so that i will not contact any virus all my life. today am the most happiest girl on earth, if you want to be save or you have it before contact his direct email so that your problem will be solve ogadimalovehome@gmail.com

Elizabeth said...

PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY FROM EBOLA DISEASE. UNBELIEVEABLE. Prevention for Ebola virus. The deadly disease has kill more than 500 people in two weeks. This disease has no cure. But DR KOBOKO gave me a prevention to the virus, that is what is keeping me till now because the virus is tramisted through different ways. Please i advice you all. this is what everyone out there needs. Protect yourself and your family from EBOLA VIRUS. Email DR KOBOKO: dr.koboko@gmail.com. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.

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